Software Design¶
Class Diagram¶
String Handling¶
Convention is to use plain python strings everywhere. Where needed the strings can be converted to anything else.
Example: junitparser expects byte array objects, so we encode our string right before passing it to junitparser.
Instrument Module¶
Melexis fork of warnings plugin
- class mlx.warnings.CoverityChecker(*logging_args)[source]¶
- check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of warnings, but adopted for Coverity output
- Parameters:
content (str) – The content to parse
- property cq_description_template¶
string.Template instance based on the configured template string
- Type:
- property cq_findings¶
list of code quality findings
- Type:
- name = 'coverity'¶
- parse_config(config)[source]¶
Process configuration
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Content of configuration file
- pattern = re.compile('(?P<path>[\\w\\.\\\\/\\- ]+)(:(?P<line>\\d+)(:(?P<column>\\d+))?)?: ?CID (?P<cid>\\d+) \\(#(?P<curr>\\d+) of (?P<max>\\d+)\\): (?P<checker>.+): (?P<classification>[\\w ]+),.+')¶
- class mlx.warnings.DoxyChecker(verbose, output)[source]¶
- name = 'doxygen'¶
- pattern = re.compile('(?:(?P<path1>(?:[/.]|[A-Za-z]).+?):(?P<line1>-?\\d+):\\s*(?P<severity1>[Ww]arning|[Ee]rror)|<.+>:(?P<line2>-?\\d+)(?::\\s*(?P<severity2>[Ww]arning|[Ee]rror))?): (?P<description1>.+(?:(?!\\s*([Nn]otic)¶
- class mlx.warnings.Finding(description)[source]¶
Code quality violation
- property column¶
The column on which the code quality violation occurred. Defaults to 1.
- Type:
- property fingerprint¶
The unique fingerprint to identify this specific code quality violation.
The fingerprint is generated as follows:
A base string is created by concatenating the severity, path, and description of the finding.
The base string is hashed to produce an initial hash.
If the hash already exists (hash collision), a new hash is generated by concatenating the base string with the current hash and hashing the result.
Step 3 is repeated until a unique hash is obtained.
- Type:
- fingerprints = {}¶
- property line¶
The line on which the code quality violation occurred. Defaults to 1.
- Type:
- property path¶
The file containing the code quality violation, expressed as a relative path in the repository.
- Type:
- property severity¶
The severity of the violation.
- Type:
- class mlx.warnings.JUnitChecker(verbose, output)[source]¶
- check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of JUnit failures in a specific text
- Parameters:
content (str) – The content to parse
- name = 'junit'¶
- property name_repr¶
- static prepare_tree(root_input)[source]¶
Prepares the tree element by adding a testsuites element as root when missing (to please JUnitXml)
- Parameters:
root_input (lxml.etree._Element/xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Top-level XML element from input file
- Returns:
lxml.etree._Element/xml.etree.ElementTree.Element – Top-level XML element with testsuites tag
- class mlx.warnings.PolyspaceChecker(*logging_args)[source]¶
- check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of failures in a TSV file exported by Polyspace
- Parameters:
content (_io.TextIOWrapper) – The open file to parse
- checkers = []¶
- property cq_description_template¶
string.Template instance based on the configured template string
- Type:
- property cq_findings¶
list of code quality findings
- Type:
- property maximum¶
Gets the highest minimum amount of warnings
- Returns:
int – the highest maximum for warnings
- property minimum¶
Gets the lowest minimum amount of warnings
- Returns:
int – the lowest minimum for warnings
- name = 'polyspace'¶
- parse_config(config)[source]¶
Parsing configuration dict extracted by previously opened JSON or yaml/yml file
- Args:
config (dict): Content of configuration file
- Raises:
ValueError: Expected a list of dicts as value of the key which represents the value of the ‘Family’ column. These dicts need to consist 3 key-value pairs (Note: if ‘min’ or ‘max’ is not defined, it will get the default value of 0): {
<column-name>: <value_to_check>, min: <number>, max: <number>
- class mlx.warnings.PolyspaceFamilyChecker(family_value, column_name, check_value, *logging_args)[source]¶
- add_code_quality_finding(row)[source]¶
Add code quality finding
- Parameters:
row (dict) – The row of the warning with the corresponding colomn names
- check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of failures in a TSV/CSV file exported by Polyspace
- Parameters:
content (dict) – The row of the TSV file
- code_quality_severity = {'impact: high': 'critical', 'impact: low': 'minor', 'impact: medium': 'major', 'orange': 'major', 'red': 'critical'}¶
- property cq_description_template¶
string.Template instance based on the configured template string
- Type:
- logging_fmt = '{checker.name_repr}: {checker.family_value:15s} : {checker.column_name:11s} : {checker.check_value:14s} | {message}'¶
- name = 'polyspace_sub'¶
- class mlx.warnings.RobotChecker(*logging_args)[source]¶
- check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of failures in a specific Robot Framework test suite
- Parameters:
content (str) – The content to parse
- property ignored_testsuites¶
- logging_fmt = '{checker.name_repr}: {message}'¶
- property maximum¶
Gets the highest minimum amount of warnings
- Returns:
int – the highest maximum for warnings
- property minimum¶
Gets the lowest minimum amount of warnings
- Returns:
int – the lowest minimum for warnings
- name = 'robot'¶
- class mlx.warnings.RobotSuiteChecker(suite_name, *logging_args, check_suite_name=False)[source]¶
- check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of JUnit failures in a specific text
The test cases with a
that does not end with thename
class attribute are ignored.- Parameters:
content (str) – The content to parse
- Raises:
SystemExit – No suite with name
found. Returning error code -1.
- logging_fmt = '{checker.name_repr}: {checker.suite_name_repr:<20} {message}'¶
- name = 'robot_sub'¶
- property suite_name_repr¶
- class mlx.warnings.SphinxChecker(verbose, output)[source]¶
- include_sphinx_deprecation()[source]¶
Adds the pattern for sphinx_deprecation_regex to the list patterns to include and alters the main pattern
- name = 'sphinx'¶
- pattern = re.compile('(?m)^(?:((?P<path1>.+?):(?P<line1>\\d+|None)?):?\\s*)?(?P<severity1>DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|SEVERE|CRITICAL):\\s*(?P<description1>.+)$', re.MULTILINE)¶
- sphinx_deprecation_regex = '(?m)^(?:(.+?:(?:\\d+|None)?):?\\s*)?(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|SEVERE|(?:\\w+Sphinx\\d+Warning)):\\s*(.+)$'¶
- sphinx_deprecation_regex_in_match = 'RemovedInSphinx\\d+Warning'¶
- class mlx.warnings.WarningsChecker(verbose, output)[source]¶
- add_patterns(regexes, pattern_container)[source]¶
Adds regexes as patterns to the specified container
- Parameters:
regexes (list[str]|None) – List of regexes to add
pattern_container (list[re.Pattern]) – Target storage container for patterns
- abstract check(content)[source]¶
Function for counting the number of warnings in a specific text
- Parameters:
content (str) – The content to parse
- property cq_description_template¶
string.Template instance based on the configured template string
- Type:
- property cq_findings¶
list of code quality findings
- Type:
- property is_sub_checker¶
- logging_fmt = '{checker.name_repr}: {message}'¶
- property maximum¶
Getter function for the maximum amount of warnings
- Returns:
int – Maximum amount of warnings
- property minimum¶
Getter function for the minimum amount of warnings
- Returns:
int – Minimum amount of warnings
- name = 'checker'¶
- property name_repr¶
- return_check_limits()[source]¶
Function for checking whether the warning count is within the configured limits A checker instance with sub-checkers is responsible for printing ‘Returning error code X.’ when the exit code is not 0.
- Returns:
int –
- 0 if the amount of warnings is within limits, the count of (the sum of sub-checker) warnings otherwise
(or 1 in case of a count of 0 warnings)
- class mlx.warnings.WarningsPlugin(cq_enabled=False)[source]¶
- activate_checker(checker_type, *logging_args)[source]¶
Activate additional checkers after initialization
- Parameters:
checker_type (WarningsChecker) – checker class
- Returns:
WarningsChecker – activated checker object
- activate_checker_name(name, *args)[source]¶
Activates checker by name
- Parameters:
name (str) – checker name
- Returns:
WarningsChecker – activated checker object, or None when no checker with the given name exists
- check(content)[source]¶
Count the number of warnings in a specified content
- Parameters:
content (str) – The content to parse
- check_logfile(file)[source]¶
Count the number of warnings in a specified content
- Parameters:
content (_io.TextIOWrapper) – The open file to parse
- config_parser(config, *logging_args)[source]¶
Parsing configuration dict extracted by previously opened JSON or YAML file
- Parameters:
config (dict/Path) – Content or path of configuration file
- configure_maximum(maximum)[source]¶
Configure the maximum amount of warnings for each activated checker
- Parameters:
maximum (int) – maximum amount of warnings allowed
- configure_minimum(minimum)[source]¶
Configure the minimum amount of warnings for each activated checker
- Parameters:
minimum (int) – minimum amount of warnings allowed
- get_checker(name)[source]¶
Get checker by name
- Parameters:
name (str) – checker name
- Returns:
checker object (WarningsChecker)
- return_check_limits(name=None)[source]¶
Function for determining the return value of the script
If the name parameter is set, this function will check (and return) the return value of that checker. If not, this function checks whether the warnings for each registered checker are within the configured limits.
- Parameters:
name (WarningsChecker) – The checker for which to check the return value
- Returns:
int –
- 0 if the amount of warnings is within limits, the count of warnings otherwise
(or 1 in case of a count of 0 warnings)
- return_count(name=None)[source]¶
Getter function for the amount of found warnings
If the name parameter is set, this function will return the amount of warnings found by that checker. If not, the function will return the sum of the warnings found by all registered checkers.
- Parameters:
name (WarningsChecker) – The checker for which to return the amount of warnings (if set)
- Returns:
int – Amount of found warnings