Source code for mlx.warnings.junit_checker

    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree

from junitparser import Error, Failure, JUnitXml

from .warnings_checker import WarningsChecker

[docs]class JUnitChecker(WarningsChecker): name = 'junit'
[docs] def check(self, content): ''' Function for counting the number of JUnit failures in a specific text Args: content (str): The content to parse ''' try: root_input = etree.fromstring(content.encode('utf-8')) testsuites_root = self.prepare_tree(root_input) suites = JUnitXml.fromelem(testsuites_root) amount_to_exclude = 0 for suite in suites: for testcase in suite: amount_to_exclude += self._check_testcase(testcase) suites.update_statistics() self.count += suites.failures + suites.errors - amount_to_exclude except etree.ParseError as err: print(err)
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_tree(root_input): ''' Prepares the tree element by adding a testsuites element as root when missing (to please JUnitXml) Args: root_input (lxml.etree._Element/xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): Top-level XML element from input file Returns: lxml.etree._Element/xml.etree.ElementTree.Element: Top-level XML element with testsuites tag ''' if root_input.tag.startswith('testsuite') and root_input.find('testcase') is None: testsuites_root = root_input else: testsuites_root = etree.Element("testsuites") testsuites_root.append(root_input) return testsuites_root
def _check_testcase(self, testcase): """ Handles the check of a test case element by checking if the result is a failure/error. If it is to be excluded by a configured regex, 1 is returned. Otherwise, when in verbose mode, the suite name and test case name are printed. Args: testcase (junitparser.TestCase): Test case element to check for failure or error Returns: int: 1 if a failure/error is to be subtracted from the final count, 0 otherwise """ if isinstance(testcase.result, (Failure, Error)): if self._is_excluded(testcase.result.message): return 1 string = '{classname}.{testname}'.format(classname=testcase.classname, self.counted_warnings.append('{}: {}'.format(string, testcase.result.message)) self.print_when_verbose(string) return 0