Source code for mlx.warnings.robot_checker

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import sys

from junitparser import Error, Failure

from .exceptions import WarningsConfigError
from .junit_checker import JUnitChecker
from .warnings_checker import WarningsChecker

[docs] class RobotChecker(WarningsChecker): name = "robot" logging_fmt = "{checker.name_repr}: {message}" def __init__(self, *logging_args): ''' Constructor ''' super().__init__(*logging_args) self.checkers = [] self.allow_unconfigured = True @property def minimum(self): """Gets the lowest minimum amount of warnings Returns: int: the lowest minimum for warnings """ if self.checkers: return min(x.minimum for x in self.checkers) return 0 @minimum.setter def minimum(self, minimum): for checker in self.checkers: checker.minimum = minimum @property def maximum(self): """Gets the highest minimum amount of warnings Returns: int: the highest maximum for warnings """ if self.checkers: return max(x.maximum for x in self.checkers) return 0 @maximum.setter def maximum(self, maximum): for checker in self.checkers: checker.maximum = maximum @property def ignored_testsuites(self): ignored_testcases = set.intersection(*(c.ignored_testsuites for c in self.checkers)) return sorted({t.classname.split(".")[-1] for t in ignored_testcases})
[docs] def check(self, content): """ Function for counting the number of failures in a specific Robot Framework test suite Args: content (str): The content to parse """ for checker in self.checkers: checker.check(content)
[docs] def return_count(self): """Getter function for the amount of warnings found Returns: int: Number of warnings found """ self.count = 0 for checker in self.checkers: self.count += checker.return_count() if not self.allow_unconfigured and self.ignored_testsuites: raise WarningsConfigError(f"{len(self.ignored_testsuites)} test suites have been ignored due to " f"incomplete configuration: {self.ignored_testsuites}") return self.count
[docs] def return_check_limits(self): """Function for checking whether the warning count is within the configured limits Returns: int: 0 if the amount of warnings is within limits, the count of warnings otherwise (or 1 in case of a count of 0 warnings) """ count = 0 for checker in self.checkers: count += checker.return_check_limits() if count: self.logger.warning(f"Returning error code {count}.") return count
[docs] def parse_config(self, config): self.allow_unconfigured = config.get("allow_unconfigured", True) check_suite_name = config.get("check_suite_names", True) for suite_config in config["suites"]: checker = RobotSuiteChecker(suite_config["name"], *self.logging_args, check_suite_name=check_suite_name) checker.parse_config(suite_config) self.checkers.append(checker)
[docs] class RobotSuiteChecker(JUnitChecker): name = "robot_sub" logging_fmt = "{checker.name_repr}: {checker.suite_name_repr:<20} {message}" def __init__(self, suite_name, *logging_args, check_suite_name=False): """Constructor Args: name (str): Name of the test suite to check the results of check_suite_name (bool): Whether to raise an error when no test in suite with given name is found """ super().__init__(*logging_args) self.suite_name = suite_name self.check_suite_name = check_suite_name self.is_valid_suite_name = False self.ignored_testsuites = set() @property def suite_name_repr(self): return f"suite {self.suite_name!r}" if self.suite_name else "all test suites" def _check_testcase(self, testcase): """Handles the check of a test case element by checking if the result is a failure/error. If it is to be excluded by a configured regex, or the test case does not belong to the suite, 1 is returned. Otherwise, when in verbose/output mode, the suite name and test case name are printed/written along with the failure/error message. Args: testcase (junitparser.TestCase): Test case element to check for failure or error Returns: int: 1 if a failure/error is to be subtracted from the final count, 0 otherwise """ if testcase.classname.endswith(self.suite_name): self.is_valid_suite_name = True return super()._check_testcase(testcase) self.ignored_testsuites.add(testcase) return int(isinstance(testcase.result, (Failure, Error)))
[docs] def check(self, content): """Function for counting the number of JUnit failures in a specific text The test cases with a ``classname`` that does not end with the ``name`` class attribute are ignored. Args: content (str): The content to parse Raises: SystemExit: No suite with name ``self.suite_name`` found. Returning error code -1. """ super().check(content) if not self.is_valid_suite_name and self.check_suite_name: self.logger.error(f"No suite with name {self.suite_name!r} found. Returning error code -1.") sys.exit(-1)