Software Requirements
Requirements for mlx.traceability
- Attributes
- Fulfilled by
- Impacts on
System shall implement a plugin for the sphinx documentation system. It shall add tracebility within the documentation.
- Attributes
- Depends on
RQT-TRACEABILITY: A plugin for sphinx documentation system, adding traceability
- Fulfilled by
- Impacts on
RQT-RELATIONS: Documentation parts can be linked to each other
The plugin shall allow for splitting the documentation in parts.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
DESIGN-DOCUMENTATION_ID: Identification of documentation part
- Validated by
A documentation part shall have a unique identification.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
- Validated by
A documentation part shall have a optional brief description.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
- Validated by
A documentation part shall have optional content. The content shall be parseable reStructuredText (RST), and passed through the configured sphinx parser/renderer.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
- Impacts on
RQT-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIX: Overview of attributes on documentation parts
- Validated by
It shall be possible to add attributes to the documentation parts. Attributes have a key and an optional value. The set of attributes and the validness of the attribute values shall be configurable.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
DESIGN-RELATIONS: Documentation parts can be linked to each other
- Impacts on
RQT-COVERAGE: Calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts
- Validated by
It shall be possible to link documentation parts to other documentation parts. The set of relations shall be configurable.
- Attributes
- Depends on
RQT-RELATIONS: Documentation parts can be linked to each other
- Fulfilled by
DESIGN-AUTO_REVERSE: Automatic creation of reverse relations
- Validated by
ITEST-AUTO_REVERSE: Tests automatic creation of reverse relations
When a documentation part <A> is related to a documentation part <B> (forward relation), the reverse relation from documentation part <B> to documentation part <A> shall be automatically created.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
- Validated by
It shall be possible to generate a list of documentation parts matching a certain query.
It shall be possible to calculate the coverage for a certain type of relation between documentation parts.
- Attributes
- Depends on
RQT-RELATIONS: Documentation parts can be linked to each other
- Fulfilled by
- Validated by
It shall be possible to query the relations between documentation parts. It shall be possible to generate overview matrix of these relations.
- Attributes
- Depends on
RQT-RELATIONS: Documentation parts can be linked to each other
- Fulfilled by
- Validated by
It shall be possible to query the relations between documentation parts. It shall be possible to generate overview tree of these relations.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
DESIGN-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIX: Overview of attributes on documentation parts
- Validated by
ITEST-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIX: Tests overview of attributes on documentation parts
An overview table of the attribute values for documentation parts shall be generated.
- Attributes
- Depends on
- Fulfilled by
- Validated by
The plugin shall be able to allow configurability of the order of items’ attributes.
- Attributes
- Depends on
RQT-TRACEABILITY: A plugin for sphinx documentation system, adding traceability
The plugin shall be optimized for performance to minimize its impact on the documentation’s build time. For example, unneeded sorting should be avoided.
- Attributes
- Fulfilled by
- Impacts on
- Attributes
- Depends on
RQT-DUMMY_PARENT: Dummy requirement that is not covered by a test
- Validated by
Traceability matrix
Tree of requirements
Design coverage
Trace requirements to design
Statistics: 15 out of 17 covered: 88%
Design coverage chart of functional requirements
Test coverage
Trace requirements to test cases
Statistics: 13 out of 17 covered: 76%
Trace requirements to test case reports
Statistics: 6 out of 17 covered: 35%
Chart fetching third label from defaults
Statistics: 13 out of 17 covered: 76%
Test coverage chart with test results, based on the :targettype: option
Statistics: 13 out of 17 covered: 76%
Requirement |
Test case |
Test case report |
Result (relationship) |
not covered | |||
RQT-DUMMY_PARENTDummy requirement that is not covered by a test |
RQT-TRACEABILITYA plugin for sphinx documentation system, adding traceability |
covered | |||
RQT-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIXOverview of attributes on documentation parts |
ITEST-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIXTests overview of attributes on documentation parts |
passes |
RQT-RELATIONSDocumentation parts can be linked to each other |
fails | |||
RQT-COVERAGECalculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts |
ITEST-COVERAGETests calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts. |
fails |
passes |
passes |
fails |
passes | |||
ITEST-AUTO_REVERSETests automatic creation of reverse relations |
passes |
ITEST_REP-CAPTIONReport with attribute missing from priority list |
skipped |
skipped |
passes |
skipped | |||
skipped |
Test coverage chart with test results, based on the :result: attribute
Statistics: 13 out of 17 covered: 76%
Test coverage chart with test results, based on the :targettype: option (in bad order)
Statistics: 13 out of 17 covered: 76%
Test cases as source using sourcetype to label with the :splitsourcetype: flag
Statistics: 9 out of 35 covered: 25%
Test coverage chart targeting ITEST only with a matrix that contains a subset of the data, filtered by labels
Statistics: 8 out of 17 covered: 47%
fails | |||
RQT-COVERAGECalculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts |
ITEST-COVERAGETests calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts. |
fails |
passes |
passes |
fails |
passes | |||
ITEST-AUTO_REVERSETests automatic creation of reverse relations |
passes |
passes |
ran test | |||
skipped | |||
ITEST_REP-CAPTIONReport with attribute missing from priority list |
skipped |
skipped |
All uncovered as the bad sourcetype results in 0 links
All uncovered as there is no direct relationship
Chart with only one color configured to trigger warning
Chart without any items: no image or warning shall be generated
Statistics: 0 out of 0 covered: 0%