Sphinx Traceability plugin
Sphinx plugin that allows defining documentation items and relations between those items. Can be used as a requirements management tool for e.g. ISO26262 projects.
- Goal
- Installation
- Configuration
- Valid attributes
- Stringification of attributes
- Valid relationships
- Stringification of relationships
- External relationship to URL translation
- Rendering of relationships per documentation object
- Rendering of attributes per documentation object
- Ability to collapse the list of relationships and attributes per documentation object
- No captions
- Export
- Callback per item (advanced)
- Custom colors for linked items
- Mapping of undefined references
- Default config
- Usage
- Required sphinx options
- Defining documentation items
- Adding relations outside of the item definitions
- Changing targets or removing relationships
- Adding attributes outside of the item definitions
- Adding description to attributes
- Configuring attribute order
- Manual link to documentation items
- Flat list of documentation items
- Matrix with attributes of documentation items
- Traceability matrix of documentation items
- 2D-matrix of documentation items
- Documentation items tree-view
- Pie chart of documentation items
- Defining items with a custom checklist attribute (advanced)
- Jira ticket creation
- Contribution Guide
- Getting Started
- Reporting Issues or Requesting a New Feature
The Melexis.SWCC (SoftWare Competence Center) process has a Guideline for documenting in reStructuredText (RST). It holds guidelines for using the traceability plugin with naming conventions, templates, etc.