Integration test report
Other requirements
- Attributes
Value: 5
- Traces
- Traced by
This is one item
More content
More again
And nested content
other with emphasis and
a note
Yes, a note
This line was added by traceability_callback_per_item
and is parsed as RST syntax.
- Attributes
Value: 1
- Reference to toolname
- Traced by
- Validated by
We have to extend this section
This text is not part of any item
- Attributes
- Reference to toolname
- Fulfilled by
- Traces
- Traced by
Clean up all this again
To demonstrate that bug #2 is solved
- Attributes
- Reference to toolname
- Fulfilled by
- Traces
- Traced by
Clean up all this.
- Attributes
- Fulfills
- Traces
- Validates
To demonstrate stereotype usage in relationships.
To demonstrate invalid attribute, X is not valid attribute for ASIL level (should not appear in e.g. item-list).
- Attributes
- Validated by
ITEST-r100: Test a requirement using the ``requirement`` type
This item has been defined using other directive. It easily extends rst semantics
- Attributes
- Traces
non_existing_requirement not defined, broken link
Ai caramba, this should report a broken link to a non-existing requirement.
Integration tests
- Failed by
- Passed by
- Validates
RQT-COVERAGE: Calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts
- Passed by
- Validates
- Passed by
- Validates
- Failed by
- Validates
- Skipped by
- Validates
- Impacts on
- Validates
Integration test reports
- Attributes
Result: skip
- Skipped
- Attributes
Result: pass
- Passes
ITEST-AUTO_REVERSE: Tests automatic creation of reverse relations
- Attributes
Result: error
- Fails
ITEST-COVERAGE: Tests calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts.
- Validated by
WAIVER-NOT_IMPLEMENTED: The test case has not been implemented yet.
- Attributes
Result: pass
- Passes
ITEST-COVERAGE: Tests calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts.
- Attributes
Result: pass
- Passes
- Attributes
Result: PASS
- Passes
- Attributes
Result: ERROR
- Fails
- Validated by
WAIVER-EXPECTED_FAILURE: The failure of the test case was expected.
- Attributes
Result: skip
- Skipped
- Attributes
- Validates
Attribute details
ASIL: The level for ASIL
In ISO26262 ASIL is defined as Automotive Safety Integrity Level. The level can be at A/B/C/D for increasing safety requirements.
ASPICE: The level for A-SPICE
Similar to ASIL, ASPICE is an automitve safety standard. Levels are ASPICE 1/2/3.
Status: The approval status
Item list
No items
No items
List all items
All available items (no captions)
DESIGN-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIXOverview of attributes on documentation parts
DESIGN-COVERAGECalculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts
DESIGN-RELATIONSDocumentation parts can be linked to each other
ITEST-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIXTests overview of attributes on documentation parts
ITEST-AUTO_REVERSETests automatic creation of reverse relations
ITEST-COVERAGETests calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts.
ITEST_REP-CAPTIONReport with attribute missing from priority list
MEETING-2019_01_01Meeting minutes from review meeting 1 January 2019
QUE_MEETING-HW_EXECUTIONDid the test cases execute on actual hardware?
QUE_MEETING-TEST_GUIDELINESDoes the test report follow the guidelines?
QUE_MEETING-UNIQUE_NAMEDoes every test case have a unique name?
RQT-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIXOverview of attributes on documentation parts
RQT-COVERAGECalculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts
RQT-DUMMY_PARENTDummy requirement that is not covered by a test
RQT-RELATIONSDocumentation parts can be linked to each other
RQT-TRACEABILITYA plugin for sphinx documentation system, adding traceability
WAIVER-EXPECTED_FAILUREThe failure of the test case was expected.
WAIVER-NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe test case has not been implemented yet.
List all items beginning with r00
(show contents)
List of items
This is one item
More content
More again
And nested content
other with emphasis and
a note
Yes, a note
This line was added by
and is parsed as RST syntax. -
We have to extend this section
r003: Item defined after r006 and before r007
Clean up all this.
r005: Another (does not show captions on the related items)
Clean up all this again
To demonstrate that bug #2 is solved
r007: Depends on all with stereotypes
To demonstrate stereotype usage in relationships.
To demonstrate invalid attribute, X is not valid attribute for ASIL level (should not appear in e.g. item-list).
r008: Requirement with invalid reference to other one
Ai caramba, this should report a broken link to a non-existing requirement.
List system requirements (beginning with SYS)
System requirements
List all well-formed SYS and SRS requirements
System and software requirements
List all items with ASIL attribute
All ASIL items
List all items with ASIL and Draft/Approved attribute
All Draft ASIL items
List all RQT-items with the non_functional attribute
All non-functional requirements
Item matrix
No relationships
Statistics: 0 out of 0 covered: 0%
more of nothing |
nothing |
All relationships
All (no captions)
Statistics: 87 out of 98 covered: 88%
All relationships with items having ASIL-C/D attribute
All ASIL-C/D (with captions)
Statistics: 4 out of 5 covered: 80%
Source |
Target |
All targets of sources with ASIL-C/D (with captions)
Statistics: 4 out of 5 covered: 80%
Target |
Only statistics (hidden table)
Statistics: 4 out of 5 covered: 80%
Traceability from SRS to SSS
Software requirements fulfilling system requirements
Statistics: 2 out of 2 covered: 100%
software requirement |
system requirement |
Traceability from SSS to SRS
System requirements fulfilled by software requirements
Statistics: 2 out of 3 covered: 66%
system requirement |
software requirement |
System requirements fulfilled by software requirements - only show covered
Statistics: 2 out of 3 covered: 66% (uncovered items are hidden)
system requirement |
software requirement |
System requirements fulfilled by software requirements - only show uncovered
Statistics: 2 out of 3 covered: 66% (covered items are hidden)
system requirement |
software requirement |
Another matrix that should spawn a warning as the relation in type does not exist
System requirements traced to software requirements, using a non-existing relationship (=warning)
software requirement |
system requirement |
Traceability from external sources
External sources with all of their internal items
Statistics: 2 out of 2 covered: 100%
external items |
internal items |
C |
C |
2 |
A |
Some attributes of items with external links
Statistics: 2 out of 2 covered: 100%
internal items |
C |
C |
2 |
A |
Traceability from integration tests to requirements
All integration tests
Statistics: 10 out of 10 covered: 100%
All integration tests that have passed
Statistics: 4 out of 4 covered: 100%
Traceability via intermediate items
Design to test via hidden requirements
Statistics: 12 out of 14 covered: 85%
Design to test via shown requirements
Statistics: 12 out of 14 covered: 85%
Design to test via shown requirements that are split up
Statistics: 12 out of 14 covered: 85%
Design to test via shown requirements with targets split up
Statistics: 12 out of 14 covered: 85%
Design to test via shown requirements, all split up
Statistics: 12 out of 14 covered: 85%
Fully covered design items
Statistics: 11 out of 14 covered: 78%
Design to test via requirements recursively
Statistics: 13 out of 14 covered: 92%
Source and target columns
Basic item matrix with attributes of source and target
Statistics: 10 out of 98 covered: 10% (uncovered items are hidden)
Integration test results for requirements
Statistics: 6 out of 17 covered: 35% (uncovered items are hidden)
requirements | integration tests |
Result |
ITEST-AUTO_REVERSETests automatic creation of reverse relations |
pass |
skip |
RQT-COVERAGECalculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts |
ITEST-COVERAGETests calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts. |
error |
pass |
skip |
pass |
Item attribute matrix
ASIL attribute for all r-items
ASIL attribute for all r-items, reverse sorted on item-ID
QM |
D |
C |
C |
A |
C |
C |
ASIL attribute for all r-items having ASIL-B/C
ASIL attribute for all r-items, having ASIL-C/D
C |
C |
C |
C |
D |
Some attributes for all items
ASIL and status attribute for all items
All attributes for all r-items
All attributes for all r-items
Value |
Result |
Attendees |
Assignee |
Effort estimation |
Non-functional |
Functional |
Answer |
5 |
C |
1 |
Draft |
1 |
C |
Reviewed |
A |
Approved |
C |
2 |
12 |
C |
2 |
2 |
D |
QM |
All attributes for all items
All attributes for all items
All attributes for all items, sorted
All attributes for all items, sorted on ASIL level
All attributes for all items, reverse sorted on 2 attributes
All attributes for all items, reverse sorted on ASIL level and value
Value |
QM |
D |
C |
5 |
C |
12 |
C |
1 |
C |
A |
All attributes for items having a non-empty attribute
All attributes for items having a non-empty asil attribute
Value |
Result |
Attendees |
Assignee |
Effort estimation |
Non-functional |
Functional |
Answer |
A |
yes |
A |
no |
A |
A |
Approved |
B |
yes |
5 |
C |
1 |
Draft |
1 |
C |
Reviewed |
C |
2 |
12 |
C |
2 |
D |
QM |
All attributes for items having a non-empty asil+aspice attribute
Value |
Result |
Attendees |
Assignee |
Effort estimation |
Non-functional |
Functional |
Answer |
C |
2 |
12 |
C |
2 |
5 |
C |
1 |
Draft |
Transposed version of the previous matrix
Value |
12 |
5 |
C |
C |
C |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Draft |
Result |
Attendees |
Assignee |
Effort estimation |
Non-functional |
Functional |
Answer |
All attributes for non-matching-filter
Invalid attribute for all items
Invalid attribute
Invalid sort attributes for all items
Invalid sort attribute
Item 2D matrix
System requirements fulfilled by software requirements
x |
x |
System requirements fulfilled by software requirements
x |
o |
o |
o |
x |
o |
all to all with ASIL-C/D attribute
r-items to all with ASIL-A/B attribute
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Software requirements fulfilling system requirements
yes |
yes |
Another 2D matrix that should spawn a warning as the relation in type does not exist
System requirements traced to software requirements, using a non-existing relationship (=warning)
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
Item tree
Empty tree
Successful trees
SYS (no captions)
SYS (only captions)
Another tree that should spawn a warning as the relation in top_relation_filter does not exist.
warning for unknown relation
Another tree that should spawn a warning as the relation in type does not exist
warning for unknown relation
Item link
This is a subtitle that has a item-link
item under it. You shouldn’t see anything in the rendering, though
Extra late requirements
Item is added after adding links from it using item-link above. This shouldn’t give a warning.
Links and references
Item reference: r001