=============== Software Design =============== .. contents:: `Contents` :depth: 3 :local: --------------------------- Design for mlx.traceability --------------------------- .. item:: DESIGN-TRACEABILITY Top level design for mlx.traceability :fulfills: RQT-TRACEABILITY Since the sphinx documentation system is python based, and it allows for plugin development in seperate python packages, python was chosen. No limit should exist on the version of python or sphinx. .. uml:: :align: center @startuml class TraceableBaseClass { + str id + str name + str caption + str docname + int lineno + docutils.nodes.Node node + str content + __init__(name) + update(other) + to_dict() + self_test() } class TraceableItem { + dict explicit_relations + dict implicit_relations + dict attributes # bool placeholder + __init__(item_id, placeholder=False) + __str__(explicit=True, implicit=True) + is_placeholder() + add_target(relation, target, implicit=False) + remove_targets(target_id, explicit=False, implicit=True) + iter_targets(relation, explicit=True, implicit=True) + iter_relations() + define_attribute(attr) + add_attribute(attr, value, overwrite=True) + remove_attribute(attr) + get_attribute(attr) + get_attributes(attrs) + iter_attributes() + is_match(regex) + attributes_match(attributes) + is_related(relations, target_id) } class TraceableAttribute { + str value + __init__(attr_id, value) + can_accept(value) } class TraceableCollection { + dict relations + dict items + __init__() + __str__() + add_relation_pair(forward, reverse='') + get_reverse_relation(forward) + iter_relations() + add_item(item) + get_item(item_id) + iter_items() + has_item(item_id) + add_relation(source_id, relation, target_id) + export(f_name) + self_test(docname=None) + are_related(source_id, relations, target_id) + get_items(regex, attributes={}, sortattributes=None, reverse=False) } abstract class TraceableBaseDirective { + {static} final_argument_whitespace = True + {abstract} run() + process_title(node, default_title='') + get_caption() + add_found_attributes(node) + remove_unknown_attributes(attributes, description, env) + check_relationships(relationships, env) + check_no_captions_flag(node, no_captions_config) + process_options(node, options, env=None) + check_option_presence(node, option) } class Item2DMatrixDirective { + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } class ItemAttributeDirective { + {static} required_arguments = 1 + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} has_content = True } class ItemAttributesMatrixDirective { + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } class ItemDirective { + {static} required_arguments = 1 + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = True # store_item_info(target_id, env) # add_relation_to_ids(relation, source_id, related_ids, env) # add_attributes(item, env) } class ItemLinkDirective { + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } class ItemListDirective { + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } class ItemMatrixDirective { + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } class ItemPieChartDirective { + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False # process_id_set(node, env) # process_label_set(node) # process_attribute(node, env) } class ItemTreeDirective { + {static} optional_arguments = 1 + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } class ChecklistItemDirective { + {static} dict query_results } class AttributeSortDirective { + {static} dict option_spec + {static} has_content = False } abstract class TraceableBaseNode { + {abstract} perform_replacement(app, collection) + {static} create_top_node(title) + make_internal_item_ref(app, item_id, caption=True) + {static} make_external_item_ref(app, target_text, relationship) + is_item_top_level(env, item_id) + make_attribute_ref(app, attr_id, value='') + has_warned_about_undefined(item_info, env) # {static} find_colors_for_class(hyperlink_colors, item_id) } class Item2DMatrix { } class ItemAttribute { } class ItemAttributesMatrix { } class Item { # {static} item = None # process_attributes(dl_node, app) # process_relationships(collection, *args) # list_targets_for_relation(relation, targets, dl_node, app) } class ItemLink { } class ItemList { } class ItemMatrix { } class ItemPieChart { + {static} collection = None + {static} relationships = [] + {static} priorities = {} + {static} attribute_id = '' + {static} linked_attributes = {} + loop_relationships(top_source_id, source_item, pattern, match_function) + build_pie_chart(chart_labels, env) # set_priorities() # set_attribute_id() # match_covered(top_source_id, nested_source_item) # match_attribute_values(top_source_id, nested_target_item) # prepare_labels_and_values(lower_labels, attributes) # {static} get_statistics(count_uncovered, count_total) } class ItemTree { # generate_bullet_list_tree(app, collection, item_id, captions=True) } class AttributeSort { } class PendingItemXref { } TraceableBaseClass <|-- TraceableItem TraceableBaseClass <|-- TraceableAttribute TraceableItem "1" o-- "N" TraceableAttribute TraceableCollection "1" o-- "N" TraceableItem sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment "1" o-- "1" TraceableCollection docutils.parsers.rst.Directive <|-- TraceableBaseDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- Item2DMatrixDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemAttributeDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemAttributesMatrixDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemLinkDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemListDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemMatrixDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemPieChartDirective TraceableBaseDirective <|-- ItemTreeDirective ItemDirective <|-- ChecklistItemDirective TraceableBaseNode <|-- docutils.nodes.General TraceableBaseNode <|-- docutils.nodes.Element TraceableBaseNode <|-- Item2DMatrix TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemAttribute TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemAttributesMatrix TraceableBaseNode <|-- Item TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemLink TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemList TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemMatrix TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemPieChart TraceableBaseNode <|-- ItemTree TraceableBaseNode <|-- PendingItemXref Item2DMatrixDirective "1" *-- "1" Item2DMatrix ItemAttributeDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemAttribute ItemAttributesMatrixDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemAttributesMatrix ItemDirective "1" *-- "1" Item ItemLinkDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemLink ItemListDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemList ItemMatrixDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemMatrix ItemPieChartDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemPieChart ItemTreeDirective "1" *-- "1" ItemTree AttributeSortDirective "1" *-- "1" AttributeSort Exception <|-- TraceabilityException Exception <|-- MultipleTraceabilityExceptions @enduml .. item:: DESIGN-ITEMIZE Allow splitting the documentation in parts :depends_on: DESIGN-TRACEABILITY :fulfills: RQT-ITEMIZE A directive name `item` is added to sphinx through the plugin that allows splitting the documentation into parts. The documentation parts are stored as objects of class `TraceableItem`. All `TraceableItem` objects are stored in a container class `TraceableCollection`. .. item:: DESIGN-DOCUMENTATION_ID Identification of documentation part :depends_on: DESIGN-ITEMIZE :fulfills: RQT-DOCUMENTATION_ID A first argument to the `item` directive is used as a unique identifier for the documentation part. The identifier can be any string - not containing spaces. To ensure uniqueness of the identifier, the `TraceableCollection` is used. When a `TraceableItem` will be added to the collection, its identifier is first checked to not appear in the collection yet. If it exists already, a warning is added to the documentation build log. .. item:: DESIGN-CAPTION Brief description of documentation part :depends_on: DESIGN-ITEMIZE :fulfills: RQT-CAPTION A second optional argument to the `item` directive is used as a brief description, or caption of the documentation part. This argument is allowed to have spaces. The caption is stored in the `TraceableItem` object. .. item:: DESIGN-CONTENT Content of documentation part :depends_on: DESIGN-ITEMIZE :fulfills: RQT-CONTENT The content of the `item` directive is used as the content of the documentation part. The caption is stored in the `TraceableItem` object. The content is forwarded through the sphinx parser. So other plugins and/or the native sphinx tool performs conversions from reStructuredText (rst) syntax to docutils nodes. .. item:: DESIGN-ATTRIBUTES Documentation parts can have attributes :depends_on: DESIGN-ITEMIZE :fulfills: RQT-ATTRIBUTES RQT-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIX Attributes can be added to the documentation parts. Attributes have a key and an optional value. The set of attributes, their order and the validness of the attribute values are configurable. .. item:: DESIGN-RELATIONS Documentation parts can be linked to each other :depends_on: DESIGN-ITEMIZE :fulfills: RQT-RELATIONS Documentation parts can be linked to other documentation parts. The set of relations is configurable. .. item:: DESIGN-AUTO_REVERSE Automatic creation of reverse relations :depends_on: DESIGN-RELATIONS :fulfills: RQT-AUTO_REVERSE When a documentation part is related to a documentation part (forward relation), the reverse relation from documentation part to documentation part gets created automatically. .. item:: DESIGN-LIST Listing documentation parts :depends_on: DESIGN-ITEMIZE :fulfills: RQT-LIST A list of documentation parts matching a certain query can be retrieved. .. item:: DESIGN-COVERAGE Calculation of coverage for relations between documentation parts :depends_on: DESIGN-RELATIONS :fulfills: RQT-COVERAGE The plugin is able to calculate the coverage for a certain type of relation between documentation parts. .. item:: DESIGN-MATRIX Auto-generation of a traceability matrix :depends_on: DESIGN-RELATIONS :fulfills: RQT-MATRIX The relations between documentation parts can be queried, and an overview matrix can be generated. .. item:: DESIGN-TREE Auto-generation of a traceability tree :depends_on: DESIGN-RELATIONS :fulfills: RQT-TREE The relations between documentation parts can be queried, and an overview tree can be generated. .. item:: DESIGN-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIX Overview of attributes on documentation parts :depends_on: DESIGN-ATTRIBUTES :fulfills: RQT-ATTRIBUTES_MATRIX An overview table of the attribute values for documentation parts can be generated. .. item:: DESIGN-ATTRIBUTE_SORT Custom sorting of items' attributes :depends_on: DESIGN-ATTRIBUTES The plugin has a directive that allows configurability of the order of items' attributes. ------------------- Traceability matrix ------------------- Tree of design ============== .. item-tree:: Design tree :top: DESIGN :top_relation_filter: depends_on :type: impacts_on Coverage to requirements and implementation =========================================== .. item-matrix:: Trace design to requirements :source: DESIGN :target: RQT IMPL :sourcetitle: Design :targettitle: Linked Requirements, Linked Implementation :nocaptions: :stats: Design reverse coverage ======================= .. item-matrix:: Trace design to requirements :source: DESIGN :target: RQT :sourcetitle: Design :targettitle: Linked Requirements :nocaptions: :stats: Implementation coverage ======================= .. item-matrix:: Trace design to implementation :source: DESIGN :target: IMPL :sourcetitle: Design :targettitle: Implementation :nocaptions: :stats: